Connecting with families this past spring and summer
We value the connections we have with our students and families and we were determined to maintain those connections this past spring and summer. School leaders and teachers didn’t waste any time creating new ways to engage with our students and families. This past spring, KIPP One Academy packed art kits for families to pick up and they hosted a Zoom paint class. KIPP Bloom Primary had a drive-through popsicle party so families could safely come by, one at a time, to say hi and enjoy some treats. Each of our schools has also organized essential item giveaways. We’re so humbled and grateful for the volunteers who made these events happen with safety, efficiency, and care top of mind.
Centering family wellness
As we embrace and adjust to online learning this fall, we are also working to engage with our KIPP Chicago families in new ways. Families were invited to fill out a survey to let us know what workshops and experiences they’d like most. As we continue to grow our family outreach through the Whole Child Initiative, we are looking for external partners to collaborate with, engaging with our families to bring educational, informational, and joy-filled experiences.
Our family wellness survey inquired about their educational desires, personal interests, and KIPPster support. After collecting responses, we learned that financial literacy, pursuing higher education, and entrepreneurship are topics of high interest. We’re looking forward to expanding our family wellness-focused initiatives!