We know moving our bodies has a multitude of benefits. Even better is moving our bodies in community with others! We were so excited to welcome Latrice Madkins back for more Zumba and KIPP Ascend Primary’s very own CLIMB advocate and unofficial wellness coach, Scott Riley, leading a HIIT class.
We were honored to host Chicago creatives, Meagan McNeal and Harold Green, to lead us in a virtual, evening poetry and song-writing workshop. KIPP Chicago families and staff came together for a few hours of creativity, fun, and community.
In response to staff feedback about a desire for autonomy in wellness journeys, we are working to pilot Fringe, a wellness platform, with a group of KIPP Chicago staff. This pilot will run from May-June 2022 and will help us to evaluate the platform. Fringe offers wellness classes, subscriptions to lifestyle organizations, personal development workshops, activities for children, and more.
We want to extend a huge acknowledgement of gratitude to Stephanie Morimoto, owner of Asutra, for sponsoring our pilot with this platform. Thank you, Stephanie, for your continued support of staff wellness.